Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Jump Start Your Career In Real Estate

Have you ever stayed up late at night hoping to catch the infomercials on how to make it rich in real estate? No money down! Or spent endless hours reading this how to or that real estate success story book, maybe even gone to a boot camp or two? None of which have helped

I once read that if you read 7 books on a subject, that doing so, will make you an expert. I am not so sure it will but it does add a considerable amount of confidence to you as you prepare to introduce yourself to your new world.

What I find fascinating is that they all have a slight twist on the same goal.. The goal of buying real estate below market value, for as little money invested as possible, then selling for a profit. The American Dream Get rich in real estate We have all heard that the only way to become obnoxiously rich is to invest. In fact, when we are born we are slapped on the ass to breath and told get rich through buying real estate. No wonder why so many of us are choosing real estate as the means to wealth.

Every home type cable channel has their own version of the How Too Flip this, or Rehab that, programming that brags make more money than you have ever made before, and you dont even have to know how

I wish it were that simple.. It is/was for some of you I am sure and I imagine as you reflect on your beginning, as you tried figuring out your tomorrow, doing so was the most frightening battle you faced. But here you are, a success, the one that people will look at now and say, if he can do it, I can too.

As the year quickly approaches its end, I sit reflecting what I have accomplished and how to help those new investors who want so badly to create their paradigm shift on riches. What little hint or knowledge can I give to turn the light bulb on? Can you hear the rally yell, You can buy houses too?

And you can My wife, being a third grade teacher tells me all of the time, that the reason most dont jump in is because they like the security of knowing they have a paycheck coming and that their retirement is being taken care of, or that the health insurance coverage is too costly to give up. And I politely tell her, that in two weeks this month, I will have earned what it will take her all year to earn. I feel bad for those that have the attitude that they cant make the change because of fear. Fear is a great emotion, we can either let it stop us or we can use it to succeed.

Most investors dont Burn their Boat when they start most look at this career as a part time career at best. They keep their day job as a subsidy to their income until that big break. That one investment that will get them to go over the top.. That big deal

I understand that saying to your wife/husband, girlfriend/boyfriend honey I quite my job today and we are going to be rich is not something that easily flows out of ones lips.. I am also not so certain that entering into this career slowly isnt the best option for most investors.

So here you are ready to make millions. Eager and willing to do something, but what? What is the first step to fulfilling the promise given to us a birth?

This may sound so clich, but in my opinion you must set your goals first. You will not succeed by determining the amount of money you want to make, but instead what do you want out of this paradigm shift? Decide in the beginning those things that will drive you to success. Sure some are going to be physical possession but I bet some of them will be spiritual and mental.

So if you would, go grab your wife/husband, girlfriend/boyfriend and say these words to them Honey would it be okay if we started making more money? If their answer is yes then get into your car and drive. Stop by a store to buy

1. 24 x 36 poster board
2. Glue stick.
3. Set of magic markers
4. Scissors

After youre done buying your supplies drive to the neighborhood that you always wanted to live in, the ones that only those rich people can afford. Drive around and look for houses that are listed for sale. When you find them ask yourself if you would like to live there If the answer is YES then take a flyer out of the flyer box. Dont let size or price get in your way. BTW call the agent and make an appointment to see the inside

Then drive to the auto dealership and pick out the car you have always wanted Take it for a test drive, smell the interior What color is it? Pick out the accessories, from rims to navigational system. Dont forget satellite radio either. Find out how much it costsCASH get a Broacher on it.

Now drive to the chain bookstore, theyre open late so you wont have any problems getting in.. Walk over to the magazine section and start looking through the vacation magazines for that special vacation you have always wanted.. Dont tear that page out of the book, just pay the 4 or 5 bucks they want..

Now here is where it gets fun, there is something in that bookstore that you have always wanted. Maybe it is a how to book on loosing weight, maybe a book on the best colleges to send your children, even a book on your faith, what ever it is buy it.

Now find the section on real estate investing and buy the book with best cover Dont worry about content.. Maybe it says, Zero to a Million or Get Filthy Rich but it must say or show something that makes you inspired

Now walk over to the coffee area and sit down together and cut out the pictures of the vacation, and the other book. Cut the cover off of the investment book, cut the car out of the Broacher. Using the glue stick glue the pictures and cover onto your poster board not in any order just so they flow. I would put the cover of the investment book on top as I would want to focus on it all of the time.

Now on the top portion of the poster board write, these are my goals and I will achieve them.

Somewhere on one side write the words I am a great person and I am worthy of having nice things

On the other side write God loves me and wants me to become wealthy

On the bottom, each of you sign your name and put the date.

After you get home place your poster somewhere where you can see it everyday, and everyone else who comes over can see it too. Dont hide your goals from those who know and love you. AND dont hide them from yourself

I know this has nothing to do with real estate investing; you wanted some wisdom that would get you going. But I was reminded today as I began my journey to learn to swim a mile, its on my poster, as the young swimming instructor told me to cup my hands to hold water so that I could place my face, submerging my nose in the water and blow bubbles that learning starts with a desire.. We can not succeed unless we set a goal and follow a plan, sure there will be times that you will breath water up your nose and want to quit. Today my task to learn was blowing bubbles, tomorrow who knows but I will learn to swim a mile And you will learn to buy houses too!

Good Luck,
Michael Quarles

Michael Quarles is a successful real estate investor, broker and trainer located in Bakersfield, CA. Blog30379
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